Southwest CT Tech Hub Brand Launches as Part of CT Tech Week

CT Tech Week Event on June 6 Brought Hundreds to CoCreate in Stamford Southwest CT Tech Hub Brand Launches as Part of CT Tech Week On June 6, the tech sector partnership convened by the Stamford Partnership hosted a lunch and QuantumCT panel moderated by Hari Sreenivasan. The discussion was centered on how quantum technology is likely to change our world and featured Sam Samdani, QuantumCT Executive Director; Claudia Reuter, Yale Ventures Director of the Roberts Innovation Fund; and Matthew Enjalran, Southern Connecticut…

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Read more about the article SW CT Tech Partnership  Survey

SW CT Tech Partnership Survey

SW CT Tech Partnership:Training Needs Survey The SW CT Tech Partnership needs your input! Please take a moment to fill out the survey linked below and tell us about your talent and training needs. This information will help support the Good Jobs Challenge - Strengthening Sectoral Partnership Initiative and provide an opportunity to address urgent talent pipeline needs for tech, IT, data, and other tech-enabled careers in SW Connecticut.  Survey

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RFP - Web Design, Outreach Campaign, Outreach Materials Stamford Partnership is seeking a qualified vendor to provide web design, outreach campaign development, and deliver outreach campaign components for the Southwest Connecticut Tech Partnership initiative.  The RFP is now available by request. Interested vendors must request a copy of the RFP to Only vendors that receive the RFP via email from the Stamford Partnership will receive additional information regarding this procurement process. The Stamford Partnership will conduct a bidders’ conference on November 27, 2023…