A Conversation About Disinformation and Cybersecurity

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), ranking member of the House intelligence committee, will introduce a conversation with Dr. Dana LaFon, a senior U.S. disinformation and cyberpsychology expert, at the University of Connecticut-Stamford on Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. Dr. LaFon founded the National Security Agency’s Office of Operational Psychology and served as National Intelligence Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. (She will be speaking in her capacity as a private citizen and the opinions she expresses will be her own.) 

There are options for FREE admission and light refreshments will be served but registration is required and tickets are going fast!


Dana S. LaFon most recently served as chief and founder of the National Security Agency’s Office of Operational Psychology, which is responsible for scaling psychologically based insights for whole-of-government operations to counter some of the most egregious national security threats. She has deep expertise in remote psychological assessment, influence psychology, and malign influence campaigns. Dr. LaFon’s twenty-five years of experience in multiple fields (including intelligence, psychology, graduate instruction, and systems analysis), settings (including the U.S. government, academia, state and local agencies, and private industry), and foreign partnerships have enabled her to apply a broad perspective to a wide array of national security issues and foreign policy topics. She was also the National Intelligence Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.